• 姓名: 包刚
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 浙江大学
  • 数学科学学院
1985年毕业于吉林大学,1991年5月在美国莱斯大学(Rice University)获得应用数学博士学位,导师为William W. Symes教授。
1992年起他先后在美国明尼苏达大学数学及其应用研究所,佛罗里达大学和密歇根州立大学工作,现在是美国密歇根州立大学教授,密西根工业与应用数学中心创始人、主任,吉林大学***,浙江大学数学系教授、主任。 入选2009年度中组部“***计划” 。




[1]G. Bao, K. Yun, and Z. Zhou, Stability of electromagnetic waves from an open cavity: TM case , SIAM J. Math. Anal., to appear.

[2]G. Bao, H. Zhang and J. Zou, Unique determination of periodic polyhedral structures by scattered electromagnetic fields Part II: The resonance case , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., to appear.

[3]G. Bao, J. Gao, J. Lin, and W. Zhang, Mode matching for the electromagnetic scattering from three dimensional large cavities , IEEE Trans. Antennas & Wave Propagation, to appear.

[4]G. Bao, J. Lin and F. Triki, An inverse source problem with multiple frequency data , Comptes rendus Mathematiques, 349, 2011.

[5]G. Bao and J. Lin, Imaging of local surface displacement on an infinite ground plane: the multiple frequency case , SIAM J. Appl. Math., 7, 2011.

[6]G. Bao, J. Lin and F. Triki, Numerical solution of the inverse source problem for the Helmholtz equation with multiple frequency data , Contemp. Math., AMS, 548, 2011.

[7]G. Bao, J. Gao, and P. Li, Analysis of direct and inverse problems for electromagnetics scattering from cavities , Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl., 4, 2011.

[8]G. Bao, Z. Xu, J. Yuan, Continuation finite element simulation of second harmonic generation in photonic crystals , Comm. Comput. Phys., 10, 2011.

[9]G. Bao, H. Zhang and J. Zou, Unique determination of periodic polyhedral structures by scattered electromagnetic fields , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 363, 2011.

[10]G. Bao, L. Dou, T. Eller, P. Li, Y. Wang, and Z. X, Quantifying tectonic and geomorphic interpretations of thermochronometer data: The reconstruction of mountain surface , Comm. Comput. Phys., 9(1), 2011.

[11]Z.Xu and G. Bao, A numerical scheme for nonlinear Helmholtz equation in nonlinear optics , J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A., 27(11), 2010.

[12]G. Bao, H. Zhang and J. Zou, On uniqueness of inverse biperiodic polyhedral gratings , Trans of AMS, 2010.

[13]G. Bao, S-N Chow, P. Li, and H-M Zhou, Numerical solution of an inverse medium scattering problem with a stochastic source , Inverse Problems, 26, 2010.

[14]G. Bao, P. Li and H. Wu, An adaptive edge element method with perfectly matched absorbinglayers for wave scattering by periodic structures , Math. Comp., 79, 2010.

[15]G. Bao, J. Lin and F. Triki, A multi-frequency inverse source problem , J. Diff. Eqn., 249(12), 2010.

[16]G. Bao and F. Triki, Error estimates for the recursive linearization for solving inverse medium problems , J. Comput. Math., 28(6), 2010.