The Australian Mathematical Society(Aust MS)--澳大利亚数学协会



  The Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) is the national society of the mathematics profession in Australia.

  Founded in 1956, our mission is the promotion and extension of mathematical knowledge and its applications. We represent all professional mathematicians in Australia, both pure and applied.

  The special interests of applied mathematicians are represented by a division of AustMS, ANZIAM (Australia and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics).

  The Society also has a number of affiliates .

  Our role

  The Society:

  1. Promotes mathematics in the community (through programs such as the" Sticking with Mathematics" media campaign)

  2. Represents the interests of the profession to government

  3. Produces publications and submissions

  4. Holds conferences and seminars

  5. Provides awards in recognition of outstanding contributions to the mathematical sciences

  We operate under the AustMS constitution and our operations are managed by the Society’ s office bearers .